He who makes a beast out of himself,
gets rid of the pain of being a man.


You don't need to know how I look like, I'm afraid I'll give you a scare for I'm about six-and-a-half feet tall dining on raw squirrels and cats I could catch with my blood-stained hands, a long jagged scar that runs across my face; what teeth I had were yellow and rotten; eyes popped out and drooling most of the time! HAHAHAHA!
Don't try to judge or take shots at me, I'll never let you seize control. All of you have failed to make me feel miserable! (Not)
Name is Arthur "Boo" Radley swathed in an initial shroud of creepiness.
But I guess I'm doing fine alone .

Do what you're best at . Gossip !

I don't bid goodbyes , just scram .

Go back in time

Sunday, March 1, 2009
10:07 PM ; To Kill A Mocking Bird
I see , Imma malevolent phantom that lived inside a house .
I go out at night when the moon was high , and peeped in windows . Azaleas froze in cold snap was because I had breathed on them . Hahaha , I am really amused by the imaginations people here in Maycomb has .

And I realised that those fruits that fell from my pecan trees into the school yard were laid untouched by the children: Radley pecans would kill you .
God , what a joke .
Like , what ? The soil here is different from the one at your house ?
The rain that falls into my yard is different from the one that falls into your's ?
If you guys were to plant a pecan tree as well , it still takes in sunlight water and air right so what makes MY damn pecan tree different from the ones out there ....
Alright guess I should stop ranting , after all these years I would've been used to the way people out there thinks about me . Immune to all ugly rumours and stories make out of me .
(Yeah Arthur , nobody needs anybody in order to live ! (:)

When my dad was still around , my family did not go to church but worshipped at home and the shutters and doors of my house were closed on Sundays though in Maycomb people only does that when somebody's ill or due to cold weather . Futhermore , Sunday was the day for formal afternoon visiting .
Probably thats because my parents were more anti-social , and prefered a more peaceful and quiet life compared to the rest . I wasn't very sure either however I was never like them .
I did not like the idea of staying at home all day , without communications/interactions with the outside world despite that Maycomb was a tired old town and people here moved slowly then . They take their time in doing everything !

It was when I got in the wrong crowd and land myself into a series of misfortunes and today's tragedy . I was in my teens then and got acquainted with some of the Cunninghams (I thought they were really friendly people) then we formed the nearest thin to a gang ever seen in Maycomb .
Though we did do much , but yeah it helps me get on with my life each day . I couldn't stand boredom !
But well things happened and I somehow got locked up in the court-house basement then back to home . Its driving me crazy even until today . Man , ... I kinda miss the sun . But I think it's going to hurt my eyes IF I really do have to chance to step out of this freaky place during broad daylight .

Urgh , enough of me reminiscing !
Gotta go catch some sleep now !
Wouldn't wanna miss watching Jem running pass my place every school day of his life just like what he's gonna do tomorrow !
Hah ! I think those kids are lovely ya' know . (: